Nature's beauty may be deceiving; a closer look at plants and flowers reveals imperfections, like missing leaves and broken branches. Yet, this doesn't diminish their perfection. In reality, they embody perfection by serving their purpose—to sacrifice for others. Similarly, we, and everything in the universe, exist to serve others by simply being ourselves. Our brokenness imparts vital life lessons to us and those around us, forming a perfect and beautiful mosaic. - Feelasoulphy
Everything happens at the perfect timing. There was never a time that was not perfect and there was never a thing that happened to you wasn’t supposed to happen. If you just stop trying to control every situation you will free yourself from disappointments and heartaches. As soon as you accept this as your new reality you will begin to let go your past and your regrets in life. - FeelaSoulphy There’s nothing to prove and no one to prove anything to including yourself. You should only do things out of love and passion, period. Having to prove yourself to others is a way of asking for permission to be you. Why would you need anyone’s permission to be who you are? Why give others that much power to define who you are? Allow yourself to be you. It’s your damn life so you set the rules for you. You are unique and you should keep it that way. - FeelaSoulphy You are perfect the way you are for what you need to accomplish in this lifetime. There's no other way to be you for all the lessons you need to learn and the missions you need to fulfill. Your experiences are absolutely perfect and they all happen at the perfect timing. There's no one can tell you that you are imperfect because no one knows and will know or understands your soul's purpose in this particular life. To say you are not perfect is to say God's creation is imperfect. Do you believe somehow God has made a mistake? Or perhaps his "mistake" to us has a purpose? Embrace all life experiences including the struggles because that's what we are here for! There are no unfortunate events in life but only experiences and lessons. Enjoy this precious human experience as a spirit on earth! - FeelaSoulphy You are perfectly “flawed”. There’s no other way you should be and no better time to be who you are. Your “flaws” are perfectly designed for what you are suppose to achieve at the moment. Just embrace YOU and accept everything the way it is! - FeelaSoulphy |
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December 2024