You are perfect the way you are for what you need to accomplish in this lifetime. There's no other way to be you for all the lessons you need to learn and the missions you need to fulfill. Your experiences are absolutely perfect and they all happen at the perfect timing. There's no one can tell you that you are imperfect because no one knows and will know or understands your soul's purpose in this particular life. To say you are not perfect is to say God's creation is imperfect. Do you believe somehow God has made a mistake? Or perhaps his "mistake" to us has a purpose? Embrace all life experiences including the struggles because that's what we are here for! There are no unfortunate events in life but only experiences and lessons. Enjoy this precious human experience as a spirit on earth! - FeelaSoulphy
Whatever you are going through right now, DO NOT give up! You are a few thoughts away from getting out of this mess. Continue to stay positive to receive positive thoughts. The rest will be taken care of like it always has been! - FeelaSoulphy I see. Therefore, I think. I think. Therefore, I feel. I feel. Therefore, I do. I do. Therefore, I feel. I feel. Therefore, I think. I think. Therefore, I am. I am. Therefore, I think. - FeelaSoulphy Don’t believe everything you see or go after the things only please the eyes because the truth is not always seen in the eyes but in the I. - FeelaSoulphy “No, I can’t! Because people will think I’m...” Think about this statement very carefully and logically. When was the last time you were hurt by someone’s thoughts? Is it their thoughts or your own thoughts that hurt you? - FeelaSoulphy You want a miracle in life? Well, guess what? Search no more! Because your existence on earth is already a miracle. You have beat all odds to still be here today! - FeelaSoulphy We invented money hoping to make our lives easier and happier but little did we know the very thing we created is controlling our lives and making things more difficult and complicated. - FeelaSoulphy When someone else tries to hurt you you naturally defend yourself, but when you try to hurt yourself there’s no one can defend you. Be gentle to yourself please. - FeelaSoulphy Emotional pain is not a problem itself but a problem detector. it shows you what you need to work on in your life. This is similar to a physical pain which indicates there maybe a bigger issue with your health or simply telling you to stop hurting yourself. Search within so you can identify the root of this pain. - FeelaSoulphy |
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November 2024