Change your mindset from Past = Regrets Present = Pain Future = Worries To Past = Lessons learned Present = Lessons being learned Future = Lessons will be learned And watch your life changes. - Feelasoulphy
Everything happens for a good reason. Everyone in your life is meant to teach you something. Every situation can be a good lesson learned. - Feelasoulphy There’s no such thing as unfortunate events in life. Embrace all struggles. Without them the present you wouldn’t exist. They are your conditioning workouts at the gym. But do learn from them. Don’t ignore them and blame others for your own mistakes. The sooner you learn from them the sooner you will achieve what you desire. Otherwise, life becomes harder and the lessons get tougher. - FeelaSoulphy If you are a parent, a teacher, a pet owner, or a caregiver, and especially if you are a parent or teacher of a disabled children I applaud your efforts to provide these pure loving souls with a better life in this physical world. However, don’t ever forget that they are the true teachers of life to you as well. Some of them are very special souls dedicated their entire lives to teach you how to love, care, and be responsible to others. They chose you for a very good reason. - FeelaSoulphy You are perfect the way you are for what you need to accomplish in this lifetime. There's no other way to be you for all the lessons you need to learn and the missions you need to fulfill. Your experiences are absolutely perfect and they all happen at the perfect timing. There's no one can tell you that you are imperfect because no one knows and will know or understands your soul's purpose in this particular life. To say you are not perfect is to say God's creation is imperfect. Do you believe somehow God has made a mistake? Or perhaps his "mistake" to us has a purpose? Embrace all life experiences including the struggles because that's what we are here for! There are no unfortunate events in life but only experiences and lessons. Enjoy this precious human experience as a spirit on earth! - FeelaSoulphy Give your best and let the universe worry about the rest... Sometimes the only thing we can do is to give our best effort. As long as your intention was good just understand that you cannot control the outcomes. When we try to control and manipulate things to fulfill our own selfish desires we often find ourselves disappointed with the results. So let go of the control and accept whatever happens in the end because you cannot possibly know this result will actually be bad for you in the long run. I'm sure you can recall the times that something bad had happened to you but later you found out that it turned out to be a great thing for you or your soul. The Universe has a way of teaching us the lessons we need to learn that we can never comprehend. The best thing to do is to give our best and have the faith in the Universe. Just watch the magic unfolds before your eyes! - FeelaSoulphy |
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December 2024